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Since sump pumps aren't an everyday purchase, most people are unaware of the right features and benefits to look for in a sump pump system and who the best people are to install it.

We're changing that by making the process simple and easy.

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At The Sump Pump Company, we walk you through the process from start to finish. We explain the features and benefits of the various sump pump systems, provide an easy way to have your questions answered, and even allow you to order a new pump system online at a discounted price. When our technician comes to your home he will make sure you've chosen the right system, quickly and cleanly install it, and describe how to operate and maintain it. Then, we back you up with our excellent, no-hassle warranty.

That way you're better informed and can be comfortable knowing you've got the best sump pump system for your home.

And that's our goal - to help you protect your home and valuables and save you the headache of a messy cleanup and potentially costly, time consuming remodel.


*All Sump Systems/Prices are based on Availability and Supplies for Routine Swap-Outs Only. Additional Extra Parts and Labor are Extra.

Purchases online that our field technician determines are not the right fit, can be changed to a different product or service and credit or charge your account on the spot.

If unsure about ordering additional items, we can always add items during the technician service visit.

If you change your mind and decide not to have the pump installed during our visit, purchase price will be credited back to you. The only charge incured is the service fee.

Why You Need a Battery Backup Sump Pump:

Most homeowners understand they have a primary (AC powered) sump pump in their basement or crawlspace to protect them from flooding. That's all well and good, but:
  • IF/WHEN the power goes out (or the fuse blows, or the circuit breaker trips, or the power cord gets pulled out), your primary pump won't run and you will flood.
  • IF/WHEN your primary pump fails due to a clog or other mechanical problem, you will flood.
  • IF/WHEN the float switch on your primary pump gets stuck or doesn't activate, you will flood.
At The Sump Pump Company, we've learned from hard experience that if you don't have a backup sump pump, you don't have a sump pump at all! That's because ALL sump pumps eventually fail, and without a good backup system, you won't know the pump has failed until you have a flood! Everybody with a sump basin should have both a primary AND a backup system. Check out our COMBO Sump Pump Systems for the easiest, most affordable way to get the right protection for your home and what you own.

How does the battery backup system work?

How does the battery backup system work? A battery backup sump pump is a second pump that gets installed right next to your primary pump.

It has - you guessed it - a battery, providing a secondary power source that can operate the pump if power has failed.

It has its own switch, so when the water rises, the backup pump is activated.

It IS a complete second pump system, so it's there when the primary pump fails for ANY reason!

Also, if there is an unusually strong storm that causes more water to enter the sump basin than the primary pump can handle, the backup will kick in to provide extra pumping capacity, keeping your home dry.

It's hard to believe how many basement floods occur when a primary pump fails, and the homeowner ALREADY HAD A BATTERY BACKUP SYSTEM! When the moment of truth arrived, those poor folks found out the hard way that the inferior backup system they were counting on had FAILED!

In order to provide reliable protection for your basement, a battery backup pump system must AT LEAST alarm if it's activated, and monitor its battery and alert the user if there is a problem. For the utmost protection and peace of mind the best backup systems, like our Pro Series 2400, do that and a lot more:
  • Monitor battery status. We've already said this, but dead batteries are the #1 cause of backup pump failures, and despite their best intentions, most people don't remember to check them regularly. In our opinion, they shouldn't have to! The Pro Series 2400 not only makes sure the battery charges correctly, it shows how much capacity remains, it keeps an eye on the battery fluid level, and it even warns if there is a loose connection or corrosion on the battery terminals. When it's time to replace the battery, it will let you know.
  • Pump a lot of water. Many backup pump systems have small, low capacity pumps, and simply cannot keep up. The Pro Series 2400 pumps 40 GPM at 10' lift, more than many primary pumps!
  • Self test itself on a regular basis, to ensure the pump actually operates. This also extends the life of the backup pump. Although it might sound counterintuitive, a pump that sits in water and never runs will usually fail before a pump that runs all the time, because scale and corrosion (which occur naturally underwater) build up over time. Running the pump breaks this material off and helps keep it operating.
  • Sound an alarm (that actually alerts the homeowner!) whenever there is any sign of trouble, such as when the backup pump was activated. Many systems have a tiny light and a feeble beeper that is inaudible unless someone happens to be near the system. The Pro Series 2400 can interface with your home alarm system or an auto-dialer; this ensures you actually get the alarm.
  • Run indefinitely on AC power. Most backup systems can't run the pump directly from AC power, and must drain battery energy to operate. That means when the primary pump fails, it's imperative to get it replaced quickly before the battery is exhausted.
  • Accept a second battery. Having a second battery connected to your backup system will give you approximately twice as much run time without AC power. If you live in an area that experiences long power outages, this is a nice feature to have...
So to recap: Having a primary pump - good. Not having a battery backup pump to provide secondary protection - bad.

One of the smartest things a homeowner can do is protect their crawlspace or basement with a complete battery backup system. In addition to protecting valuable possessions and property, the best benefit of all is saving frustration, aggravation, and hours and hours of cleanup time. Don't lay awake at night during a storm, wondering if your home is going to stay dry - protect yourself and enjoy the peace of mind that comes from KNOWING you're safe!

To learn about the cost of not having a backup pump system click here.

Things lost in a flood:
  • Furnace
  • Hot Water Heater
  • Washing Machine
  • Dryer
  • Furniture
  • Exercise Equipment
  • Storage (valuable photos, clothing, home decorations, family mementos, kids' toys)
  • ElectronicsAunt Thelma
  • Aunt Thelma's fruitcake from 1977 (no...wait...that's the ONLY thing that might survive a flood!)
  • Pool Table
  • Bar
  • Tools
  • Damage to walls and floors (drywall, carpet, etc.)
  • Damage to your staircase
  • You get the idea...
To learn more about what products we install and why, click here.